The center for the industry of Korean Medicine for future

Development of the standard clinical guidance for Korean Medicine

Development of the standard clinical guidance for Korean Medicine

We have been developing and promoting the standard clinical guidance for Korean Medicine in order to enhance the quality of Korean Medicine care.

  • Supporting the development of and managing the Korean Medicine Standard Clinical Guideline.

    Purpose and Necessity

    • Development and proliferation of evidence-based Korean Medicine Standard Clinical Guide in accordance with the 3rd General Korean Medicine Cultivation and Development Plan.
    • Enhancing the quality of Korean Medicine services and expand coverages.
    • Training talents for Korean Medicine R&D and establishing infrastructures.

    Business Outline

    • Period : 2016.03. ~ 2021. 12. / 6 years
    • Description
      • Supporting the developing the standard clinical guidance for Korean Medicine and final confirmation.
      • Establishing and training the development methodologies for clinical guidelines that are evidence-based.
      • Helping the clinical guidelines to be reflected in Korean Medicine public healthcare programs and healthcare policies.
      • Proceeding with the globalization of clinical guidelines.


    • Strengthening the evidence and credibility through the development and proliferation of Korean Medicine standard clinical guidance.
    • Enhancing the accessibility to Korean Medicine by expanding coverage and public medical care.
  • Supporting Korean Medicine clinical studies.

    Purpose and Necessity

    • Strengthening the evidence for Korean Medicine by enhancing the quality of Korean Medicine clinical studies.
    • Identifying and verifying Korean Medicine treatment technologies that are based on clinical demands to enhance the trust in the treatment technologies of Korean Medicine.

    Business Outline

    • Period : 2016.03. ~ 2021. 12. / 6 years
    • Description
      • Providing training on mythologies for clinical studies for Korean Medicine.
      • Forming and operating advisory committees for supporting Korean Medicine clinical studies.
      • Helping the reform of systems to utilize the results of Korean Medicine clinical studies.
      • Performing the projects designed to make Korean Medicine treatment technologies as public resources.


    • Identifying excellent Korean Medicine treatment technologies and strengthening their evidences.
    • Forming and invigorating Korean Medicine clinical studies infrastructure.
    • To institutionalize the clinical study achievements in Korean Medicine that are evidence-based in order to expand coverage and secure government endorsement.
    • Providing the basis for invigorating the industry through clinical studies.
  • Establishing and operating the National Korean Medicine Clinical Information Center.

    Purpose and Necessity

    • Building the information center for proliferate and providing the Korean Medicine Standard Clinical Guidance.
    • Providing a control tower for clinical studies on Korean Medicine that are evidence-based; provide knowledge on Korean Medicine.

    Business Outline

    • Period: 2016. 03. ~ 2021. 12. / 6 years
    • Description
      • Forming a system basis for proliferating and supplying the Korean Medicine Standard Clinical Guidance.
      • Forming and invigorating an integrated management system for Korean Medicine clinical studies.
      • Providing a network system to share Korean Medicine clinical knowledge through Korean Medicine clinical forums.


    • Proliferation and promotion of the Korean Medicine Standard Clinical Treatment Guidelines.
    • Invigorating Korean Medicine clinical studies and playing the role of a control tower to maximize the amount of evidence secured.

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