The center for the industry of Korean Medicine for future

NIKOM ~ National Development Institute of Korean Medicine

Based on the values of the National Institute of Korean Medicine Development, we ascent from the 5,000 years of history to the next 100 years of Korean Medicine.


  • 04Inauguration of the 2nd Director, Changhyun Jeong, of the National Institute of Korean Medicine Development
  • 01Named as the WHO’s traditional medicine cooperation center.


  • 11Korean Medicine Material Bank ISO 9001 certified.
  • 05Named as the organizing R&D agency for the Korean Medicine Innovation Technology R&D Group.


  • 11Korean Medicine Manufacture Center (GMP) and the Korean Medicine Preclinical Center (GLP) completed.
  • 06Launched the National Institute of Korean Medicine Development.
    Inauguration of the 1st Director, Eungse Lee, of the National Institute of Korean Medicine Development.


  • 12Promulgation of the revised Korean Medicine Fostering Act (changed the name of the foundation).


  • 11Inauguration of the 2nd Director, Eungse Lee
  • 02Designated as a Misc. Public Agency


  • 08Designated as a testing agency for medicines by the Quality Certification Center.
  • 02Launching ceremony for the Korean Medicine Promotion Foundation
  • 01Inauguration of the 1st Director, Heungmook Shin, of the Korean Medicine Promotion Foundation


  • 11Permit for the establishment of the Korean Medicine Promotion Foundation given.

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