Evidence To Practice

Clinical Practice Guidelines DB

Greetings from director

Hello dear everyone?
I am Yi Jun-hyeok, Director of the National Agency for Korean Medicine Innovative Technologies Development.
Thank you for visiting the National Clearinghouse for Korean Medicine (NCKM).

NCKM is a comprehensive portal for clinical research established with the purpose of collecting and disseminating the achievements of the National Agency for Korean Medicine Innovative Technologies Development as well as overall Korean medicine R&D achievements and supporting research. Beyond the dissemination of the clinical practice guidelines of Korean medicine, we aim to discover excellent Korean medicine treatment techniques that can be universally used in clinical practice and provide them to the clinical field.

Currently, NCKM has a DB related to clinical practice guidelines, clinical studies, and drug interactions, and provides them in various forms such as data distribution and education through LMS so that they can be used in research and clinical settings. In the future, through continuous updates, we will make efforts so that data from the clinical field (Practice) can be accumulated as evidence (Evidence) and used for policy (Policy).

The best portals are the ones that are most utilized. In the future, the NCKM will be improved in a way that can increase user satisfaction through continuous demand surveys so that anyone can easily obtain good information in research, clinical, and educational fields. Thank you for your interest and support.

Yi Jun-hyeok, Director of National Agency for Korean Medicine Innovative Technologies Development