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[칼럼] 변형성배병증(척추측만증)의 종류와 역학
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척추측만증과 추체의 회전
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특발성 측만증의 측만정도별 분류
특발성 측만증의 변형위치에 따른 분류
▶척추 측만증의 역학
3) SOSORT : The International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rahabilitation Treatment
4)Horng, Ming-Huwi et al. “Cobb Angle Measurement of Spine from X-Ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Network.” Computational and mathematical methods in medicine vol. 2019 6357171. 19 Feb. 2019, doi:10.1155/2019/6357171
5) https://scoliosis3dc.com/2011/01/26/evaluating-scoliosis-scoliometer/
6) Posted from The Wall Street Journal;?Sources: Peter Newton/Randy Children's Hospital San Diego
7)Horng, Ming-Huwi et al. “Cobb Angle Measurement of Spine from X-Ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Network.” Computational and mathematical methods in medicine vol. 2019 6357171. 19 Feb. 2019, doi:10.1155/2019/6357171
8)Park SH, Sung WS, Lee SH, et al. The effectiveness and safety of Chuna manual therapy on scoliosis: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021;100(9):e24778.
9)Eks¸ iMS¸ , Ozcan-Eks¸i EE, Huet SE, et al. Prevalence of thoracic scoliosis in adolescents in Turkey: analysis of 1065 chest radiographs. World Neurosurg 2020;135:e527?40.
10) Negrini S, Donzelli S, Aulisa AG, et al. 2016 SOSORT guidelines: orthopaedic and rehabilitation treatment of idiopathic scoliosis during growth. Scoliosis Spinal Disord. 2018;13:3. Published 2018 Jan 10. doi:10.1186/s13013-017-0145-8
11) Suh SW, Modi HN, Yang JH, Hong JY. Idiopathic scoliosis in Korean schoolchildren: a prospective screening study of over 1 million children. Eur Spine J. 2011;20(7):1087-1094. doi:10.1007/s00586-011-1695-8
12)Hong JY, Suh SW, Modi HN, Hur CY, Song HR, Park JH. The prevalence and radiological findings in 1347 elderly patients with scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2010;92(7):980-983. doi:10.1302/0301-620X.92B7.23331
1) Horng, Ming-Huwi et al. “Cobb Angle Measurement of Spine from X-Ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Network.” Computational and mathematical methods in medicine vol. 2019 6357171. 19 Feb. 2019, doi:10.1155/2019/6357171